Classification of Quality Cashews

Classification of Quality Cashews

On the market today, consumers know about cashews with only two types  of raw cashews  and  salted roasted cashews  without knowing that exported cashews have many different types, which are distinguished according to basic criteria. copy. What are those criteria? Let’s explore with Kimmy Farm the types of cashew nuts according to export standards based on the following classifications.

Grading By Grain Size

For whole cashews, this type of nut will be classified according to small and large size because different grain sizes will give a relatively different weight. The convention of counting nuts per pound (equivalent to 454 grams) is the common convention of the worldwide cashew association. From there, the following types of cashew nuts will be produced.

  • Cashew nuts W180:  The largest size of this cashew is called the King size (or King of Cashew), with 170-180 nuts/pound.
  • Cashew W210:  This is also a relatively large cashew nut, called Jumbo with the amount of 200 – 210 nuts/pound.
  • Cashews W240 :  This type of cashew has a medium size, about 220-240 nuts/pound.
  • Cashews W320 :  This medium-sized nut has an average number of about 300-320 nuts/pound.
  • Cashew nuts W450 :  Small but medium sized with about 400-450 nuts/pound.
  • Cashews W500:  Small size 450 – 500 nuts/pound.

The above types of cashew nuts all have the W symbol (Wholes) which means that the whole kernel is not broken or broken. For Binh Phuoc cashew nuts are classified into w240 , w320 , w450 …

In Vietnam,Classification of Quality Cashews, we often buy half a kilo or 1 kg, so the number of seeds will be a little different (increasing about 10% of the number of seeds according to the pound standard). If you have no experience, you can only count the number of nuts, you will know what kind of cashew it is right away. Moreover, Binh Phuoc cashew nut is of small origin, type W450 or W500. Others are imported or bred from other countries and then reprocessed for export.

Sort By Shape

During the production process, not all cashews are intact but will have a certain degree of breakage when roasted. Therefore, the way to classify cashews is also based on the shape, also known as the degree of broken cashew nuts after roasting. Specifically for types classified by shape, we will have the following symbols:

  • W (Wholes) means whole cashews
  • S (Splits) means cashews split into two halves
  • B (Butts) means broken cashew nut in half
  • P (Pieces) means cashew nut broken into pieces
  • LP (Large Pieces) means cashews are broken into relatively large pieces
  • SP (Small Pieces) means cashews are broken into small pieces
  • BB (Baby Bits) means that the cashew nut has been broken into pieces
  • WS  means double broken cashew nut

After the roasting process, if the cashew nut is unsightly such as melasma, worms, unsightly white and yellow, it is also called Dessert, denoted by the letter D.

Sort By Color

It is not only based on the size and shape of the nut to classify cashews, but also based on the color. The main reason is that the cashew nuts after drying can remain white or yellow. If more yellowing is equivalent to increasing dryness, humidity decreases. Then in each different classification of quality cashews nuts we will see an additional W (White) or S (Scorched) symbol .

It can be seen that to separate into different types of export cashew nuts, they must be based on the above 3 criteria through a sorting machine according to the principle of vibrating sieving and a manual classification step to be able to produce finished cashew nut products. Raw kernels, quality roasted salted cashews. Meet export standards according to different markets

Classification of Cashews According to the Breakability of the Nuts

Marina Nguyen