Processing Process of Finished Cashew Nuts

Processing Process of Delicious Finished Cashew Nuts

August 19, 2022

Factory Offers

Cashews are used more and more in daily life with fairly simple packaging when  vacuumed , so that the cashew nuts can be seen through the packaging. But to have  that finished  cashew, cashew nut has gone through  a production and processing process through many stages that we will share shortly.

Gathering cashews

Cashew nuts after being harvested will be gathered at the factory. At this stage of gathering, all batches  of raw cashew nuts must be carefully checked to meet the requirements to receive them. The requirements to be considered are origin, safety, uniform color, characteristic taste, grain uniformity and not too high moisture content. This thorough inspection is for no other purpose than to create quality finished cashew nuts, ensuring food hygiene and safety.

Dried cashews

After receiving the cashews, the cashew nut factory will dry the cashews in the sun until the humidity is below 9 – 11%. After that, the dried cashew nut batches are stored in batches in dry conditions, avoiding mold and mildew, waiting to be put into production. The place to dry cashews also needs to be hygienic and dry to ensure that cashews are not infected with pathogenic microorganisms.

Cashew nut sizing

Next step of Processing Process of Delicious Finished Cashew Nuts. Each cashew size has a relatively different value, so sizing is quite necessary to be able to price cashew nuts right in each lot. Not to mention, this sizing also makes the process of separating and removing impurities easier. After sizing, cashews will be put into bags, placed in separate batches for easy monitoring during the production process.

Steamed cashews

The purpose of this step is to make the cashew nut shell softer, gradually separating the gap between the porous shell and the silk shell. This is quite important for later slicing. The process of  steaming cashews is  also quite simple, just put it in the steamer and heat it up for about 20 – 50 minutes, then cool it down, take out the cashew nut trays to wait for splitting.

Cut cashews

This step is done manually, so the workers involved in the splitting process need to ensure health, hygiene, etc. In the splitting step, the cashew nut will be cut with a specialized knife skillfully to ensure the quality. quality of the product, so that it can be manipulated accurately without causing the silk shell to be broken, broken, stabbed, etc. Today this work is supported by machines, so the yield and quality of cashew nuts are also higher. Broken and broken cashews are also reduced thanks to machines

Drying cashews

When drying cashew kernels, the silk shell will gradually separate from the cashew kernel and kill the maximum amount of microorganisms present in the kernel through heating. Cashew drying time ranges from 9-13 hours. Cashew nuts after drying can be immediately transferred to the barrels or transferred to the stage of silk peeling if the production  of unshelled cashews .

Cashew sorting and packing

After going through the above steps, cashews are classified in the same size according to market standards or according to customer needs.  Cashew sizing is done using a cashew sizing machine. Cashews are usually classified by type according  to AFI standards . After that, all cashew nuts after sorting will be fumigated to increase product shelf life. From here, cashews have been qualified for vacuum sealing, packed in bags, clearly stated in each label about type, size, etc.

The above finished Processing Process of Delicious Finished Cashew Nuts is strictly regulated and completely closed, ensuring that the cashew nut always retains its commercial value during its circulation on the market.

Marina Nguyen