Consumers are still looking for healthier snack options.

Consumers are still looking for healthier snack options.

The COVID-19 epidemic has made consumers more aware of their entire health.

The attitudes and actions of customers about their diets and health change as the confectionery industry does.

The COVID-19 has significantly altered how consumers see their health. As a result, worldwide consumers have altered their consumption and shopping patterns during the past two years. Even if they are not suffering symptoms, people have adopted a more long-term and holistic approach to wellbeing and desire to address a variety of conditions over the next 12 months.

The argument that consumers are choosing a prevention over cure strategy to illness management is supported by the finding that, in 2021, 52% of consumers said they were taking a more long-term approach to their health, compared to 43% in 2019. Additionally, compared to 58 percent in 2021, just 33 percent of customers in 2019 said they educated themselves about health.

This rise can be traced to the pandemic and serves as an example of how consumer attitudes around health have changed significantly. Customers are encouraged to maintain a wellness regimen because they see an improvement in their health. People’s overall wellness is improving as a result of this proactive maintenance, which motivates them to keep making better decisions to improve their lifestyle and lengthen their lifespan.

Consumer behaviors for healthier snack options

23 percent of consumers worldwide describe their diets as unhealthy, and 49 percent say that they frequently turn to unhealthy eating habits because they are stressed out, both of which indicate that consumers are aware that their eating and drinking habits are increasing the risk of long-term problems due to unhealthy eating (2022).

Because of this, people are paying closer attention to the components in the goods they buy and searching for health benefits that go beyond just basic nutrition. The top two health concerns for consumers in the coming year, according to 66 percent of respondents, are immunity and digestive health. This was crucial for those who believe the two are connected, in particular.

Only 26% of customers in 2019 paid attention to the contents in the items they were consuming. As more individuals start to place a higher priority on their health, this percentage grew to 42% in 2021 and is anticipated to rise further. Consumers will become more aware of their consumption habits and how they might benefit from them, and this trend will continue long after the pandemic as greater emphasis is placed on long-term wellness. 

Customers are attempting to cut back on their eating, a sign that they believe their snacking to be bad. More over 40% (44%) of consumers say they feel healthier now than they did a year ago (2022). Customers acknowledge that they often choose unhealthy foods over healthy ones out of convenience and a lack of time because they perceive healthy eating to be expensive, time-consuming, and even tasteless. The fact that consumers link snacking with unhealthy eating may also be explained by the confluence of convenience and time constraints.

Consumer actions for healthier snack

In the last 12 months, there has been a steady rise in the number of customers who have moved from conventional snacks like chocolate and confectionery to high protein/low sugar substitutes. Additionally, consumers are actively attempting to cut back on their snacking. Many people feel they gained weight during the epidemic, which is what motivates them to minimize eating and choose healthy snacks over indulgent ones.

Compared to 56 percent in 2021, 51 percent of customers shifted to healthier snack options in 2019. Consumers’ choices of goods when shopping are being influenced by their desire for guilt-free, healthful snacks. With the resurgence of the back-to-basics approach to nutrition, 74 percent of consumers believe that snacks that contain portions of genuine fruit are healthier.

The most common functional ingredient that customers want to see in the confectionery industry is protein. Due to its relationship with several advantages and a high-quality, well-balanced diet, protein will continue to enjoy the health halo. The majority of customers choose to get their protein from different sources. This also holds true for products that include fiber, minerals, and vitamins (such omega-3).

Due to their associations with effectiveness, ease, and optimal value, eight out of ten customers worldwide choose multifunctional claims. Beyond those linked to performance, consumers desire a range of functional claims on sports nutrition snacks. The selection of sports nutrition snacks might be expanded to include people who care about their health. Customers are also worried about the aftertaste, with 53% saying that they are particularly worried about the aftertaste of protein items.

Snacking companies must adapt to consumers’ changing dietary preferences and position their products to meet their needs. People choose snacks that deliver excellent flavor and nutrients all at once, without making compromises. Evidence must also be available to back up claims of product quality and multifunctionality. Consumers seek confidence that goods are safe.

Consumers will need to be price sensitive as a result of the cost-of-living problem, and brand loyalty will erode as people compare prices and shop about to find the best deals. While attempting to reestablish responsible spending habits, customers will prioritize price and quality above upgrading to items that satisfy their need states. It’s crucial to balance the promotion of function with sensory appeal, as there are misconceptions that healthier products don’t offer as much of either.

Fewer ingredients and confirmed health-improving claims, in their opinion, make products more appealing to consumers who wish to avoid substances that they see as damaging to individuals and the environment as a whole. Brands and manufacturers must do more than simply include health claims on packaging.

This article is based on FMCG Gurus: Functional Ingredients in the Confectionery & Chocolate Market in 2022 & Beyond. For more information, please contact!

Marina Nguyen