Vietnamese Fruits Exporting 

Vietnamese Fruits Exporting 

August 18, 2022

Factory Offers

In the first 5 months of the year, Vietnamese Fruits and Vietnamese vegetable export turnover reached US$1.4 billion, down 17% over the same period last year due to a deep drop in market share in China. However, a positive shift to markets with high export value, focusing on improving product value, will bring many opportunities for Vietnamese fruit in the last 6 months of the year.

About the market

Despite being affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, Vietnamese Fruits and Vietnamese vegetable products exported to other continents still maintained a good growth momentum in the second quarter of 2021, specifically: Export value of vegetables and fruits to other countries. The market in Asia in the second quarter of 2021 reached USD 848.98 million, up 16.2% compared to the second quarter of 2020; followed by Europe with $88 million, up 40.3%; Americas reached 86.1 million USD, up 71.4%…

Generally in the first 6 months of 2021, the export value of fruits and vegetables to markets in Asia still accounts for the highest proportion, reaching US$1.67 billion, up 12.7% over the same period in 2020. , accounting for 82.4% of the total export value of fruits and vegetables. Exports to the European market reached 152 million USD, up 22.6%; Americas reached 133.1 million USD, up 40.6%…

Opportunities for Vietnamese Fruits

In recent years, exports to the Chinese market have shown signs of decline, but bananas have grown. In 5 months, China imported 742,000 tons of bananas, up 10% over the same period, of which Vietnamese bananas accounted for 43%, surpassing the Philippines with 28%.

In recent years, in markets that prefer Vietnamese fruits products, the epidemic has not greatly disrupted export activities but also opened up more opportunities. Vietnam has exported to the US market 6 types of fruit, including: dragon fruit, mango, litchi, longan, rambutan, and milkweed. There are two countries in the process of negotiating the final step of opening the export door of pomelo.

To the Japanese market, Vietnam has also exported 3 types of fresh fruit such as dragon fruit, mango, and litchi. 

Improve quality, open big markets

In the context that Vietnamese fruits have more and more opportunities for export, the issue of improving the quality and value of fruits must be focused in order to overcome technical barriers and “open the door” to valuable export markets. 

Currently production in Vietnam’s raw material areas has been well implemented, but agricultural products Vietnam’s market is lacking information to orient the market and is too dependent on the Chinese market currently production in Vietnam’s raw material areas has been well implemented, but agricultural products Vietnam’s market is lacking information to orient the market and is too dependent on the Chinese market.

Many markets in Europe have potential not inferior to the Chinese market if Vietnamese Fruits products can satisfy. The standards set by these markets are not too strict. It is important to understand the nature and requirements of the market because European partners are ready to assist.

Marina Nguyen